Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gay Shit

As most of us know, the word "gay" has become somewhat of a chameleon. It has acquired a rainbow of meanings, if you will (gay pun intended). In fact, the meaning of the word "gay" has become so versatile, it can literally be used as a stand-in for every single fucking adjective in the entire English fucking language (because, literally, English has become a language that takes actual, proper language and says, "FUCK YOU LANGUAGE AND RULES!" and fucks it in the ass).

Thanks to our fuckery of all things lingual, the word "gay" can be used in place of:

happy, homosexual, lame, awesome, shit, fuck, crap, dammit, ugly, weird, uncomfortable, overjoyed, full of penis, untruthful, sneaky, religious, energetic, good at dancing when you shouldn't be, bad at dancing when you shouldn't be, political, what your parents are being, what your boss is being, what your friends are ALWAYS being, what your internet connection is being, what your cat is being, what your girlfriend is being, what all dogs are being all the time and everyone that likes them, what your boyfriend is being, the songs the radio is playing, the way your manicure looks, the way your school picture looks, what your friend was when he shattered your favorite bong, what beer is being when it gets you too drunk, what beer is being when it doesn't get you drunk enough, what people are that don't invite you to hang out with them, what people are that you don't invite to hang out with you, fire, when it burns something you didn't want it to burn, water, when it gets something wet that you didn't want it to get wet, black people, white people, Asian people, Middle-Eastern people, British people (always), traffic, any sport you don't understand or aren't good at, any subject in school you suck at, pedestrians if you're driving, drivers if your walking, cyclists, if you're anyone


In high school, there was this gay guy that called me a cunt all the time. One time I said, "How would you like it if I called you a fag?" After he finished slapping me in the face for saying "fag" he said, "I can call you a cunt because you know you're not a cunt, but I am a fag so you can't call me that."

First of all, that makes no fucking sense, and second of all, I AM a cunt, so fuck that guy. And so, Hilary Duff, shut the fuck up and let me call stuff gay if I want to.

And if you are gay, no offense lol.

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