My only guess is that this bitch is the spokesperson for In N Out's new clothing line. Ronald McDonald has a new trick to rub his chicken nuggets.
Here's Christina Aguilera at an event to raise awareness about Vaginal Rabies, a new strain of rabies that causes vaginas to attack dicks. The dress she's wearing, besides being ugly as fuck, is made out of Trojan Battle Condoms, a new kind of condom which protects your dick from rabid vaginas.
One of my most favorite dumb whores, obviously on her way to a beach funeral.
She looks fine to me.
Here's Jennifer Love Hewitt bravely raising awareness for adults with severe brain damage. Something she does every single day. Because, according to this picture, she has it.
At first I thought this was a picture of the half digested chicken bone my cat threw up last night. But apparently it's Leann Rimes, seen here doing her best impression of a baby bald eagle that hatched out of its egg too soon and has a life of struggles, social banishment by other eagles and prosthetic wings to look forward to. Also, her face is ugly.
Actually, Bret Michaels looks pretty hot here.
Anyway, people are fucking idiots.
hahaha your hilarious keep it up.