Sunday, April 8, 2012


Is how I am feeling. What in fuck's name does feisty even mean? Can you conjugate it? Feistful? Feistworthy? Feistival? Whatever. Who the feist cares.

Okay. Let me tell you some secrets that will make you a better person and make people like you more.

Secret Number ONE:

It is very possible to look beautiful when you wake up after you stayed up too late and slept with your makeup on.

Step one: be me.

That's it.

Secret Number TWO:

Go to the gym. I mean, that's just like...we all should. Also, fart while you're there. Nobody knows it's you.

Secret Number THREE:

Don't fuck dudes. Just stop. Get to know them, THEN fuck them, THEN stop hanging out with them. That way, instead of being a disgusting slutbag snatch juice factory, you'll be the heart-breakin', homewreckin', "one that got away". That's what you want to be. Unless you're a stupid bitch. In that case, just keep doing what you're doing. Every city needs a stupid bitch.

Secret Number FOUR:

I don't know, just stop being rude. Nobody probably likes you because you're rude.

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